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Tag: cryptography

Invalid AES key length: 20 bytes (Java 11)

I am trying to generate a key using Java. To be honest I am not that experienced with keys, password, ciphers and encryption. And from whatever I have searched from this site, I see it as a very common problem. I did some reading and came up with this code that I wrote: This is modified from an answer that

Authorized responder for an OCSP response not validating with CertPathValidator

I’m trying to validate a certificate path with stapled OCSP checking through CertPathValidator. There might be some RFC-protocol that prohibits what I expect to validate just fine, but I’ve been unable to find this. Some paint art to describe relations between certificates discussed: overview When verifying the certificate path I get an exception stating that the responder is not authorized

Is SecureRandom weaken when seed with Random?

Could a seed from java.util.Random for weaken the cryptographically strong random number generator? I saw this code and wonder why this is done in that specific way. From the documentation, the call of setSeed will never reduce randomness. So why is setSeed called anyway? public void setSeed(long seed) Reseeds this random object, using the eight bytes contained in the

Decrypt Java AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding with CryptoJS

I have some problem decrypting text with CryptoJS that has been encrypted with Java. The decryption should be done with AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding. The encrypted string is base64 encoded and I decode it before trying to decrypt the string. This is how the Java code looks like: And this is how I attempt to decrypt it in CryptoJS. SharedSecretKey is both the

trying to convert Java RSA-PSS signature verification code (with SHA256 hash, SHA1 MGF hash) to Python

Here’s my Java code, which successfully verifies the signature, as expected. The full code (with the imports, keys, message and signature) can be seen at in case you want to try to reproduce the issue. My Python code, which does not verify the signature, as expected: The full code (with the imports, keys, message and signature) can be seen

How to translate an OID to a JCE algorithm name? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 5 years ago. Improve this question I am looking for a library that can take a oid
