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Tag: cmd

output and actual url is different shown in navigation compare to console

currently I’m facing an issue where the URL that are outputted in the console is different from the actual URL display in the nav bar. I look at the value that I had regex, it was correct but when put into IE, it is different. The URL in the nav bar would be only a=test instead of a=test&c=import&f=&uid=user1 which is

How to use the command “Jar x “?

I’ve just started studying Java. I know I can extract a jar file with command jar xf jarname.jar But I’m confused about this [command jar x and useless new lines]jar x and new lines Enter jar x,press the Enter key. Enter TicTacToe.jar(what i want to extract sth from),press the Enter key. Nothing else happened expect generating a new line. Please

Can I execute multiple programs from JAR in cmd?

My task is to create two simple programs with output, put them both into one jar-archive and execute programs one by one. I can do it with one program using this commands: creating jar – jar cfe <name-of-the-archieve>.jar <main-class-name> *.class *.java, executing program – java -jar <name-of-the-archieve>.jar, but the thing is that I don’t know how to do it properly

Why compile command failed in Maven?

I’m new on Maven and I am trying to run through command prompt. Command mvn build successfully clean command. but it failed to build compile and test command. this is my cmd screen Please suggest me what should I do? Answer Add two properties to specify the version of Java you want to target. Currently, it’s defaulting to 5 (which

Problem with run DOS command in Java

Dear all I want to execute a EXE file in Java, but I was not able to do it correctly. Originally, in DOS command prompt, my command is like this: Note: the input file name must be place in the brackets <>. It always gave me good results when run it in DOS window. When I want my java program
