My task is to count the number of words on each line of a text file, separated by space. The text file has 5 lines. I am very new to Java. I have so far this code with the B1TextLoader class and several methods. My output is: however, I want it to print something like How can I achieve this?
Tag: bufferedreader
BufferedReader unexpected behavior
I have an unusual problem with BufferedReader in Java 11. I have a simple command-line student tracker application, that reads input from, transforms it into the appropriate implementation of Command interface, and executes it. Some commands simply process the input and print the output to System.out, some keep using reader to receive additional input. For example, AddStudentsCommand implements execution
read a File in hex byteArray and write part of that array to another File – java android
I have a 200kb file and I have to read it in bytes, and then write part of this byteArray (from index 90000 to 165000) to another file. How can I accomplish this. Answer Use a RandomAccessFile in order to seek to the offset to start copying from. For example:
BufferedReader saving sentence, String array, then 2D int array
I have a .txt file that contains text that I would like to save part of it in a String, part of it in a String array, and then the last part in a 2D int array, and am faced with two issues: How to read and save both of the arrays when their size is not known ahead of
“String.substring(int, int) line: not available” causes error
Somehow my if loop using a substring to check a .txt file is causing problems. Without the if loop, everything works fine. But with it, it seems that an empty line in the text file is causing it to crash. It is working until the first empty line in the file, and then I get this error. What could I
Read files from directory using BufferedReader
I wrote a code to read a files from a directory. The directory contain many files. Firstly, I count the number of the files in the directory, then I would like to count number of lines in the files that have as extension: .info and .data My code is the following: I got as error: The error concerns the FileReader,
How can I update specific parts of a text file in java?
This program is supposed to take in user input about a players name, assists, games played, scores, etc and print it in a .txt file. When the updateData(); method is called I want to be able to ask the user for the players name and what data they want to update, then i should be able to edit that specific
Sort the list of cars and display them sort by make using Java?
I have a question that sorts data from a car report of txt file. The question is: How do I listed cars sorted by their MAKE (Ford, Chevy ..etc). They only need the MAKE to be sorted so they can be all FORD cars under each other, then Chevy, DODGE .. so on and so forth like this: And this
How do I work with a REST API in Java that returns a zip file?
I am familiar with the basics of making a GET request in Java using the HttpURLConnection class. In a normal situation where the return type would be a JSON, I’d do something like this: However, the current endpoint I’m trying to work with sends back a zip file containing various types of files. The ‘Content-Type’ in that case would be
Why bufferedReader is much efficient than Scanner class in java? [closed]
Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question Have a look in the following question , no matter how much efficiently