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Tag: binary-search

Couldn’t implement binary search on linked list

i am a cse student who takes data structures course. Trying to implement binary search algorithm to my SinglyLinkedList class, somehow i’ve failed. Could you check it what’s wrong please ? The related method; I’ve debugged and it just enters the loops this side: else if(temp.getElement() > target) All class for better understanding; And the main method; It returns; Answer

How to iterate from a given key in Java TreeMap

I have a TreeMap, and want to get a set of K smallest keys (entries) larger than a given value. I know we can use higherKey(givenValue) get the one key, but then how should I iterate from there? One possible way is to get a tailMap from the smallest key larger than the given value, but that’s an overkill if

How to use Collections.binarySearch for ArrayList<List> arr in java

I have an ArrayList<List<String>> and im trying to use the built-in binary search in the collection but I always come up with an error int index = Collections.binarySearch(arraylistdata, id); Where arraylistdata is my ArrayList of List<String>. Answer This works fine, but you need to known that Collections#binarySearch accept a List<? extends Comparable<? super T>> as its first parameter. While in

Why bufferedReader is much efficient than Scanner class in java? [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question Have a look in the following question , no matter how much efficiently

First occurrence in a binary search

I’m tinkering with some code and I realized something I never knew. A normal binary search will return a random index in a data set for a key that occurs more than once. How can I modify this code below to return the first occurrence? Is this something people do? Answer Having found a matching value, you basically need to
