Is there a way to get an array response for val getQueueUrlResponse on SQSClient.getQueueUrl method call with an array of sqsNames? I have many sqsNames and I’d like to batch the request into one request, I’d like to avoid hitting SQSClient multiple times. So if I have 10 elements in Array sqsName, I’d like 10 elements in the getQueueUrlResponse val.
Tag: aws-sdk
Query DynamoDb Global Secondary Index
i am trying out dynamodb locally and got the following table: I want to query it with Java like this: But it throws a Exception with “QUery Key Condition not supported”. I dont understand this, because in the docs, the “<” operator is described as regular operation. Can anybody help me Answer DDB Query() requires a key condition that includes
Maven error in Eclipse when including aws-java-sdk-acmpca
Whenever I add the dependency below, I get this error in Eclipse: Errors running builder ‘Maven Project Builder’ on project. Could not initialize class okhttp3.internal.platform.Platform I tried adding it to its own project with no other dependencies and I still get the same error so I don’t think that a dependency is clashing with anything else. Is it possibly caused
Add AWS Signature Header to all rest assured requests
I’m trying to call an get api which is hosted in aws api gateway via rest-assured I’m able to sign the request and make a call. But to sign the request, I need to pass the full url to AWS to generate the Authorization Header. For Ex. If I’m going to access an an endpoint I need to sign
java.lang.SecurityException AWSCredentialsProvider Signer Information Does Not Match
I am using 2 Amazon-provided libraries: redshift-jdbc42- and aws-java-sdk-core-1.11.600. Both libraries define a class AWSCredentialsProvider under package com.amazonaws.auth. When I’m trying to use my app, I get this Exception: Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: class “com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProvider”‘s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package I am not sure how to resolve this. Any help would be
AWS Java SDK for service to service Oauth client credentential flow authentication with Cognito user pool?
Situation: I have java background process service running that needs to access a secured REST API endpoint. The API endpoint an AWS lambda function running behind Amazon API Gateway, using the Serverless framework. It is secured with a Amazon Cognito User Pool Authorizer. I have created an App Client for my Java background service, which is attached to the user
Simple dynamic JTree-based S3 bucket/object chooser example
Before writing my own custom implementation, I have been googling for a complete example of a simple tree-like JTree/JDialog that allows me to dynamically load and expand the contents of a S3 bucket or sub-S3-object-keys. In other words, I don’t want to recursively prefetch all the objects from different buckets beforehand and populate a JTree. The reason is that there
Manage RDS access with AWS Secrets Manager
I am currently working with Eclipse and the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse. My project already works and it is doing its job, which is to connect to an RDS instance and return JSON objects to API Gateway calls. I just got a new requirement, we are to use the service SecretsManager to authomatically rotate RDS configuration such as Users, passwords
AWS S3 doesObjectExist costs
AWS S3 Java SDK provides a method doesObjectExist() to check if an object exists in S3. What operation does it use internally? Is it GET, LIST, or HEAD ? My concern is mainly related to its costs. From S3 documentation the costs of US west Oregon are- PUT, COPY, POST, or LIST Requests $0.005 per 1,000 requests GET, SELECT and
S3 link with longer expiration
I am generating a pre-signed link using the java sdk for a client. We have new requirements to allow the links to remain active for at least 30 days. When I set the expiration longer I get the below error: Requests that are pre-signed by SigV4 algorithm are valid for at most 7 days I need to determine a way