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Tag: aspectj

Is it possible to exclude field-sets in AspectJ

Is it possible to exclude fiel-sets in AspectJ pointcuts, so instrumentation does not stumble over final fields in Java 11? When weaving the following aspect (the full example is here: into by java -cp target/test-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -javaagent:../aspect/target/aspectjtest-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar de.test.MainWithError I get when I execute it with OpenJDK 11 (when setting everything to Java 8, it works fine). When removing the final

The order of the advices inside the same aspect in Aspectj

How do you determine the order of advices inside the same aspect when you have multiple arounds, befores and afters and all of them “point” to the same pointcut? I have read the aspectj documentation, but i just can’t get it. Answer You claim to have read the AspectJ manual. Why don’t you just link to the corresponding pages you

Adding @Aspect throws BeanCreationException

I am trying to use AOP in Spring. When I am using old DTD methods in XML, things are working fine. But when I am trying to use AspectJ notations, I am facing some issues. I downloaded the JAR files for aspectj from here. I added them to the build path and the code containing @Aspect annotations compiled successfully. But

OpenClover – Getting to work with AspectJ

I’m trying to use Openclover with a project that uses AspectJ and that instruments aspects into its code. The pom.xml has these dependencies with relation to AspectJ: And these plugins: I’m using two plugins to do this: clover-maven-plugin which is a code coverage tool and clover-aspectj-compiler, a wrapper for AspectJ compiler which allows code instrumentation using OpenClover. The errors I

Adding aspectJ language to define joinpoints

I’d like to define aspectj joinpoints not using annotations and string constants like this: but using aspecj language, like in this example: or Is there any good examples of how to add aspectj to the project to make maven compile this language properly and how to re-write @Before, @Around etc. annotations in aspecj language? Answer Here are some resources: the
