Why do Min & Max show up as 0 in this array? I tried to figure it out for a while now but I couldn’t wrap my head around it. Here is the ‘min’. And the ‘max’ I am not sure what the issue is. ||SOLVED|| Changed min and max and also added maximum(x); minimum(x); in main while removing ^^
Tag: arrays
How to get single field in mongodb query?
I have data like this: i want to show one field like this base on book -> chapter_no -> sub_no in mongodb query. Answer $match $unwind $unwind $match $replaceRoot mongoplayground
Im trying to delete elements of an arraylist via inputs but the program stops at the third input, I would like to know why it does that
Im trying to delete elements of an arraylist via inputs but the program stops at the third input, I would like to know why it does that. Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); } Answer There are a couple of problems with your program. The condition of for loop was not correct and some other minor issues. Here, is a better
Determine minimum number of moves to reach top left corner of 2-D array
I’m working through some leetcode problems and came across this one: I’m given a 2-D array, for example: Each cell in the array represents the number of moves I must make from that cell. I can move only up or only left each time I stop on a cell. I want to find the minimum number of moves necessary to
How do I check if my int array is empty, with the standard value being 0?
So I have come across an issue I do not seem to be able to fix. So lets say I have an int array and want to check whether the array still has space to add a certain element (from 0-∞) or has no space left, which would mean I would need to create a new array. The issue is
How to count the number of elements in one input
I hope you can help me with my task. I have tried to research different sites for this, but can’t find the specific one. Let us say that I’ve input 3, 2, 1, 5, 6 then the output should be 5. Another example is I have inputted 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 then the output should be 6. It
Loop Object from a single Array
im sending a Json Array from Activity A to Activity B, and i want to populate that Json Array into Spinner in Activity B. but when i Log the json array from Activity A, the data becomes a single object “NVAKSINATOR” : [{“NVAKSINATOR”:”[{“NVAKSINATOR”:”20800″},{“NVAKSINATOR”:”0″},{“NVAKSINATOR”:”77350″},{“NVAKSINATOR”:”51750″},{“NVAKSINATOR”:”30000″},{“NVAKSINATOR”:”51500″},{“NVAKSINATOR”:”25750″},{“NVAKSINATOR”:”30900″}]”}] i want that number like 20800 , 0 , 77350 to be populated in spinner but i
How to split string of mulitdimensional array
i have string here String str1 = “{{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,9}}” and the result i expect is like this what method i use in java language? Thanks. i tried with split method then put each array into an arraylist variable “data”. result : and try to delete the data array that is empty and which only has a string value”,” result : and
What’s the difference between these 2 array definitions?
What us the difference between int[][] a = new int[2][3] and int a[][] = new int[][]{{11,12},{13,14,15}}? I decompiled the .class file and found in the first case, the JVM will use multianwearray to create the array, while in the second case, it will use anewarray. I think in the first case, JVM will create a continuous space. Am I right?
Big Decimal array not sorting 0 and 000.000
I was solving a java HackerRank problem in which I had to sort an array consisting decimal numbers using BigDecimal class in descending order. The solution works fine except for one case in which 0 and 000.000 comes. Now as they are equal, the problem tells us not keep them in the same order of their occurrence, but it is