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Tag: android

How to remove underline in hyperlink

I have a TextView on my ‘settings’ activity: I have defined my URL on the string. On my settings.kt page I have the following code onCreate: From what I have found, I need to add a ‘spannable’ in relation to the above (settings.kt) but I’m not sure how to apply it, as everyone adds hyperlinks differently. Answer As you mentioned

Read Firestore Data in Android Java

i am working on android application and i am trying to read data from the firestore. One of the key contains further object data which i want to read. i was able to read the data for purchases but purchases has further array data with contains products keys. i am unable to read that. i want a simple solution, no

Database URL do not match

I’m trying to send user’s data to Realtime Database in SignUpActivity in my project. For that I created a database reference and copied the url that is written in my Realtime Database with the following code: However, when launching the app I get Fatal exception stating the following: 2022-06-21 14:50:24.921 8323-8323/com.dinocodeacademy.maingoquizagain E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: com.dinocodeacademy.maingoquizagain, PID: 8323 java.lang.RuntimeException:

Android Studio, generate Ormlite Configuration File (ormlite.txt), gradle complains “The JavaExec.main property has been deprecated.”

Ormlite is a library to do object-oriented access to sqlite. It requires that we generate an ormlite.txt file which contains the processed configuration of the database objects in my android project. In addition to my Android run configuration that will actually launch the Android app, I created an Application run configuration to just execute the main() method. This is how
