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Tag: android

registerForActivityResult is not working in Flutter

I’m trying to launch context from android MainActivity class to flutter. code : and then calling the method launch code : and then I call this method from flutter by creating a channel between flutter and android and invoke it : when I press the sign in button it shows me this exception : Attempt to invoke virtual method ‘$ApplicationThread

ConcurrentModificationException thrown on for

problem of cant add element while iterating. i tried th emethod of creating another arraylist nd store element there and add them all in one time but it didnt work because you nedd the arraymist size to operate right. any help pls. Answer You’re doing the following: Obtain an iterator from some collection object. a for (var foo : collectionObject)

fragment binding (symbol “id” cannot be resolved)

I am trying to use the binding method in android studio to connect two fragments using onCreate and onViewCreated methods. so far i am getting id not resolved error. I have already connected the fragments on the xml graph. Bellow is the code of the settings java file. Answer Make sure to add this in build.gradle(app) Then give sync project

How to send JSONArray to PHP server using Volley?

I’m fairly inexperienced with Android programming and am having issues sending a JSONArray to my PHP server. I am using the following code to generate the JSONArray from my cursor: I believe I am misunderstanding how to properly send data via JsonARrayRequest. Here is the following code that I am using to send the data. Instead of sending the data,
