Here is the logcat output From my logcat the exception occurs when using Glide to load image. Line 100 is .into(uImage) Answer As far as I understand, you’re initializing the Views of BottomSheet wrong. If I’m not wrong, you’re trying to show this BottomSheet inside an Activity, if yes, try the below code:
Tag: android
How to retrieve using the Client code the Access Token generated on the Server-side?
Looking at the Twilio documentation it seems that “you create [Access Tokens] on your server to verify a user’s identity and grant access to client API features.” Here, Twilio provides a few different ways to programmatically create Access Tokens on the Server side – it looks pretty straight forward. I am developing an Android app-to-app calling feature and for this
Socket won’t send data after blocking queue .take()
Edit: I’ve found the problem ( see answer below ) I’m trying to write an Android application to send data to a running termux instance via TCP. In termux, I have netcat listening for incoming TCP connections and printing data to stdout using the command nc -l localhost 8080. In my android app, I have a thread that reads in
Not able to get query paramter value using
I’m trying to parse query parameters from a URL string using Uri.getQueryParameter(String key) but that method returns null for the passed-in key. That URL that I’m using is /endpoint/path?query1=foo&page[size]=1. I’m able to successfully get the value for query1 parameter but not for page[size](the method returns null for this key). My code looks like: As seen in the output of the
How to automatically update ListView with custom adapter when item is deleted from database
I created a ListView for which I implemented a custom adapter. Additionally I connected it to a SQLite database, which contains the content for the ListView. I have one ListView with several items. Every item consists of a TextView and an ImageView which functions as a button. When the user clicks the ImageView, I want to delete the item from
How to initialize a Radio Group/Button on a file that does not correspond to the xml file
I have about 25 buttons, a RadioGroup with 4 radio buttons all in one layout. Which change what the buttons do. To reduce the number of lines and make the code more efficient I am trying to initialize the radiogroup and radioButtons on a different Kotlin file that is not the Main Activity (inside onCreate function). Is there a way
recyclerViewAdapter.getItemCount() returning 0 even when it has objects inside?
I’m building a Fragment with a RecyclerView which displays notices retrieved from my database. Everything works fine, except for this line of code: Problem: recyclerViewAdapter.getItemCount() This statement returns 0 even if the RecyclerViewAdapter has elements present. The full scenario is whenever the fragment loads, the Toast with the appropriate message pops up, but then after a slight delay, the first
When i retrive children from firebase using recylceview TextView Won’t Show
I’m using Android Studio when I run my app and add or show RecycleView list, text view shows only the title not data inside firebase this is the textviewaddCateogryclass What would be causing this? used the same data on firebase child. firebase realtime database Firebase ModelCategoryClass AdapterCategoryClass CategoryAddActivity class Answer The following lines of code: Should be changed to: Meaning
How to user RecyclerView inside of NavigationDrawer
I want to use a RecyclerView inside of a NavigationDrawer but I’m not sure how to do it. This is what i want to do: I want to have a List inside the Navigation Drawer where you can add entries with a Button/Textfield and delete them by swiping. If there’s a better way to do this then with NavigationDrawer and
I can’t store values in the database DAO android
Hi I can’t store values in the database DAO android. I have User.class: DAO database: My Dtababase class is: My code Now my code don’t store new User(i can’t print “ok you are pretty”).Why? I have another question: i know that when you store data in the database you use threads but what do threads allow you to do? Answer