I have a cordova project folder www already in progress. Build this and you will have an Android project. This will create a MainActivity.java file. I don’t know Java so I changed the file to MainActivity.kt and converted the internal code. But when I run it, it doesn’t run as error. Build cordova: Created MainActivity.java: converted MainActivity.kt: Get error….: 2020-03-09
Tag: android-studio
java.lang.RuntimeException: Parcelable encountered IOException writing serializable object (name = [[Landroid.widget.Button;)
I am coding a sudoku solver app. However it keeps crashing for some unknown reason. When I try to debug the app, I don’t get a specific line that tells me what it is in my code that makes it crash. However, I see that it goes through the entire solverActivity class without crashing and shows the correct suoku board
Android studio app flaticon use with out copyright [closed]
hi android developers i am making android app having free icons from flaticon website is their any copyright issue come when uploading to play store if some one use free icons please guide it would …
ERROR: Failed to resolve: androidx.annotation.annotation:1.1.0: Affected Modules: app
i try to add this package androidx.annotation.annotation:1.1.0 to fix some problem but i get this ERROR: Failed to resolve: androidx.annotation.annotation:1.1.0: Affected Modules: app this is my build.gradle what i can do to fix that Answer androidx.annotation.annotation:1.1.0 is not a correct dependancy declaration. The correct one is Link
Transparent EditText Android Studio
I am trying to make my EditText in my android studio project transparent. I want it to look like the EditText here But mine doesn’t look like that even though I have tried using transparent and ffffff can someone please help me with this ? I want my edit text background to look like the one in the image I
Why my http post request with android volley throws error (localhost)?
I’m working on an android studio project and i’ve had some problems trying to make a post request with volley library. I’ve already tested my API with postman and all works fine, so the problem is from the client part. I’ve already added the internet permission in my android manifest: Here is my code, i’ve created a function named “login”
Cannot find symbol error in android studio
I’m trying to add fragments to a navigation drawer. But I have the error: cannot find symbol class Fragment. I added: import android.support.v4.app.Fragment Also add the fragment object(Fragment fragment) Where is the mistake? What should I do? Home.java build.grandle I’ve tried to search the web and forums but so far I didn’t find anything helpful. Thank You so much. Answer
Java to Kotlin conversion
Here is a Piece of code in java. How can i convert this in kotlin. I Tried, But this does not give me the size. Answer You can initialize list like this: dots is a Mutable, No Fixed Size list of elements. You can change elements at specific indexes and add new elements, e.g.: Also there are other ways to
How can I change the way I display the fragments in differents display sizes?
I’m currently making an app for Android devices and I would like to know how can I change the way I display the fragments in differents display sizes (ex. Tablet). At this point I have an activity for all my fragments and this causes me to replace the fragments when I change page but for tablets I would like to
How to exclude an Android App from Battery Optimization using code
I am new to Android, now I am working on a Project which is based on GPS. I got source code from internet(traccar). my requirement is like the app should update location on each 1Km or each 1hr. but the problem is the app not working in background after some time(10 – 20 mins). Is there any solution for this