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Tag: android-studio

How to build cordova project with Kotlin

I have a cordova project folder www already in progress. Build this and you will have an Android project. This will create a file. I don’t know Java so I changed the file to MainActivity.kt and converted the internal code. But when I run it, it doesn’t run as error. Build cordova: Created converted MainActivity.kt: Get error….: 2020-03-09

Transparent EditText Android Studio

I am trying to make my EditText in my android studio project transparent. I want it to look like the EditText here But mine doesn’t look like that even though I have tried using transparent and ffffff can someone please help me with this ? I want my edit text background to look like the one in the image I

Cannot find symbol error in android studio

I’m trying to add fragments to a navigation drawer. But I have the error: cannot find symbol class Fragment. I added: import Also add the fragment object(Fragment fragment) Where is the mistake? What should I do? build.grandle I’ve tried to search the web and forums but so far I didn’t find anything helpful. Thank You so much. Answer

Java to Kotlin conversion

Here is a Piece of code in java. How can i convert this in kotlin. I Tried, But this does not give me the size. Answer You can initialize list like this: dots is a Mutable, No Fixed Size list of elements. You can change elements at specific indexes and add new elements, e.g.: Also there are other ways to
