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Tag: amqp

IllegalStateException: Cannot Subscrie.Processor is already terminated

I created a new eventhub and trying to publish messages to eventHubA. When I am trying to send messages to eventhub , I get the following error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: namespace[xxxxx] entityPath[xxxxx]: Cannot subscribe. Processor is already terminated at Below is the code snippet i am using: I have defined the eventhubProducerClient as a Bean. Below is my gradle dependencies Answer

Connect to an azure iot hub from inside a kubernetes cluster via amqp over websockets

we are trying to communicate to an azure iothub via amqp over websocket from a java docker container inside an azure kubernetes cluster. Sadly it seems, that the container cant establish a connection while locally or even on another virtual machine (where only docker is installed) the container run successfully. The network policies rules should allow all necessary protocols and

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException when publishing a message with RabbitTemplate

I try to publish a message on a Queue with RabbitTemplate (using Spring Boot) and I got this message. I already tried to search for a solution. Maybe this part of code can help I appreciate any collaboration. Answer The problem is that your class SimpleMessage does not implement Serializable. RabbitTemplate.convertAndSend uses SimpleMessageConveter to convert your message into an amqp

Temporarily stop consuming RabbitMQ messages and resume later

I use Java’s rabbitmq-client ( and I need to implement the following scenario: While receiving Rabbit messages, I may need to pause Rabbitmq consumption from particular queues if I suspect that all awaiting data will not fit in memory. After I processed some messages, I need to open consumption again for the following set of messages. Repeat as needed. What
