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Read properties by dynamic keys in spring boot

I wanted to know if there is any way in Spring Boot to read property values from properties file by using Dynamic Keys. I know properties can be put in and can be read using @Value(“propertyKey”) But my keys are going to be dynamic. I know about @PropertySource to read property values and I can construct my keys dynamically.

Can’t import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext?

I just started learning Spring and I have problem importing Classes from Spring, please help! I tried almost everything what I found as a solutions, but it was a failure… Error: The import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext cannot be resolved. Here’s my code or this is my pom.xml Answer ApplicationContext resides in that package. In your IDE if you control click on the

why use Retrofit when we have OkHttp

with OkHttp we can make HTTP request then get response from server then with Gson lib convert response to object we need. this is from Square/OkHttp doc: Its request/response API is designed with fluent builders and immutability. It supports both synchronous blocking calls and async calls with callbacks I read from stackOverFlow Retrofit uses OkHTTP automatically if available . So

Android ENOENT with some files

I use a Intent to get pictures path and open them into a File. I can open files allocated in “Camera” folder like “/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/IMG_20160817_232858.jpg”, but I cannot open files in locations like “/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/1634894_.png”. Using file.exists() it just says that it doesn’t. Need to say that I’m using API 23 and I request READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, so this souldn`t be a problem… But

Sort function in Java collections

If I have following list of student objects, I need to sort these objects in following order. I have tried following code, I am getting following result. But I need all zero’s should be at last. Answer A better way to sort them with 0 higher than any value is: This will correctly handle the case where obj.Rank=Integer.MAX_VALUE. If your

‘Show All’ button for Primefaces DataTable

I would like to have a ‘Show All’ button for a primefaces datatable, however, I’m experiencing some trouble. Here’s some test code that demostrates the problem: Test.xhtml: And here’s If I don’t change tabs, the page works as expected: toggling the ‘Show All’ button updates the table to show all 3 values, or only two. However, if show all

Difference between Map and Map.Entry interface

What is the difference(if any) between Map and Map.Entry<K,V> interface and what is the purpose of Map.Entry<K,V> interface? Answer The Map interface describes a data structure that stores key-value entries. The Map.Entry interface describes the structure of these entries, stores and provides a way of retrieving the associated key and value (dependent on implementation). These interfaces are implemented by concrete
