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Hamcrest When to use Is or equalTo

I’m new using hamcrest. While I’m discovering how to use it I have been a doubt about when to use is or equalTo. Is there any difference between is and equalTo, although it is conceptually or ocasionally? It seems to behave the same. Why do you would use one instead of the other? Answer The Javadoc for Matchers is pretty

Change Spring boot folder structure for source code and resources

How can I change the path where spring boot is looking for the source code and resources. I want to move from src/main to src/server/main. In pom I put: Error: Could not find or load main class ema.Application Answer Here is a sample build section of a POM that can be used to configure the directories. Below Sample:

Which collections are supported by Hibernate @ManyToMany annotation

I used @ManyToMany annotation on a Set and it worked fine. When I used ArrayList instead of Set it throws exception: org.hibernate.AnnotationException: Illegal attempt to map a non collection as a @OneToMany, @ManyToMany or @CollectionOfElements: Is ArrayList not supported? Which all collection are supported by @ManyToMany annotation? Answer The supported interfaces are: You get the exception because you have

Java Collision detection between different classes

I am making a simple game about shooting enemies and avoiding obstacles, but I have a problem with detecting collisions because I’ve got a lot of classes for every type of game object (player,enemy,obstacle,drop,bullet, etc.). And it won’t work because a doesn’t have ‘pos’, etc, so how can I do it so it works for every class? I’ve read about

Performance of JavaFx Gui vs Swing

I wrote two simple programs, both draw the same Sierpinski Triangle: One program was implemented using swing, and one using javafx. There is a very significant performance difference, swing implementation being consistently much faster: (In this test case : Swing over 1 sec. Javafx over 12 seconds) Is it to be expected or is there something very wrong with my

How to test array for equality with multiple input data

I have been searching on any documentation if this is possible with parameterized junit4 testing. Basically what I have is two classes, GameEntry and Scoreboard: I’ve read about parameterized testing where you return an array of different input data Passing arrays to Parameterized JUnit, but it is not quite what I would like to do. I’m interested in running 10
