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Provider not found exception when creating a FileSystem for my zip?

I have created a Zip file on a JimFS FileSystem instance. I would now like to read the Zip using the Java FileSystem API. Here is how I create the FileSystem: However, this throws an error: java.nio.file.ProviderNotFoundException: Provider not found Interestingly, the code works with the default FileSystem. What does this error mean? How should I create my Zip FileSystem?

Space Complexity of an array?

I have an array of size N, and N is <=200. What would be the space complexity here. O(1) or (N) – considering the constraint N. Answer Complexity is only relevant when you try to foresee the performances of your algorithm with various input. I don’t think it has any meaning to just speak about the space-complexity of an array

Hadoop Error starting ResourceManager and NodeManager

I’m trying to setup Hadoop3-alpha3 with a Single Node Cluster (Psuedo-distributed) and using the apache guide to do so. I’ve tried running the example MapReduce job but every time the connection is refused. After running sbin/ I’ve been seeing these exceptions in the ResourceManager log (and similarly in the NodeManager log): And then later in the file: For reference my

CORS interfering with Spring Security oauth2

I’m having problems trying to get a token from oauth/token from the browser. I have a Spring Boot application with Spring Security and Spring Security oauth, and I’m trying to authenticate from a javascript SPA in a different port. When CORS is disabled in the backend, I can get tokens from the oauth endpoints no problem, using either Postman or

Will using a parallel stream on a single-core processor be slower than using a sequential stream?

I am applying an operation to every element in a very large LinkedList<LinkedList<Double>>: On my computer (quad-core), parallel streams seem to be faster than using sequential streams: However, not every computer is going to be multi-core. My question is, will using parallel streams on a single-processor computer be noticeably slower than using sequential streams? Answer This is highly implementation specific,

Bind list or array to form in Thymleaf

On my website I have a few checkboxes each of them contains id in value attribute. After submitting form I’d like to have a list containing ids of checked checkboxes to be passed to the controller. …

Spring boot: how to match all routes?

I’m developing a simple web application on Spring boot 1.5.3 and I need all the routes to send static index.html file. Now, I have this: My application contains only static assets and REST API. But the problem is that the controller shown above only matches the first-level url like /index, /department etc. I want to match all url levels like

Prime number in java 8

I was trying to write a simple prime number program in Java 8. Below is the program. I wanted to reduce the code in isPrime() as well. Is there something that filters the elements from 2 to n/2, and then apply filter for n%i == 0 which would make isPrime irrelevant? Answer IntStream can be used to generate integer stream

How can I Convert Calendar.toString() into date using SimpleDateFormat.parse()?

I’m developing an Android app that uses a database, every time that the user insert a new register the current data and time is save in the db using So, When I retrieve the data from the db, got a String like this: java.util.GregorianCalendar[time=1496007575129,areFieldsSet=true,lenient=true,zone=America/Mexico_City,firstDayOfWeek=1,minimalDaysInFirstWeek=1,ERA=1,YEAR=2017,MONTH=4,WEEK_OF_YEAR=22,WEEK_OF_MONTH=5,DAY_OF_MONTH=28,DAY_OF_YEAR=148,DAY_OF_WEEK=1,DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH=4,AM_PM=1,HOUR=4,HOUR_OF_DAY=16,MINUTE=39,SECOND=35,MILLISECOND=129,ZONE_OFFSET=-21600000,DST_OFFSET=3600000] The problem comes when I try convert that String using SimpleDateFormat.parse to display it in a
