I am trying to run an Spring-Boot App, but it is giving me following error while running the application as a Java Application My POM file is as below And my Java file is Please help, thanks in advance…… Answer I guess that you are using tomcat 9 instead of tomcat 8. In tomcat 8 the method org.apache.catalina.Context.addServletMapping was marked
How to match parent AnchorPane to HBox in javafx
I am using JavaFX and I have HBox parent and AnchorPane child, so when I resize the parent, the child doesn’t resize, I wanna make the AnchorPane fill the parent (like match_parent in android). Answer You should set HGrow = ALWAYS in the AnchorPane.
Kafka Streams – Send on different topics depending on Streams Data
I have a kafka streams application waiting for records to be published on topic user_activity. It will receive json data and depending on the value of against a key I want to push that stream into different topics. This is my streams App code: In this code, I want to check operation type and then depending on that I want
Spring boot JPA save manytomany relationship
I am trying to store a manytomany relationship but it not stores the relationship. The following code has generated 3 tables. Soldier, medal and soldier_medals. The service just make a call to a CRUD Interface with save(soldier). It stores correctly the soldier, but it not fill any row at the soldier_medals table. This is the JSON I send to the
Spring boot rest api post method with oneToMany relationship
I’m new to spring and I’m building my first web app. I have an item and user entities. User could have a lot of items. So User has a list of items and here’s my Item entity I also created rest controller to create Item and I defined POST endpoint like this here how I send request using postman So
Appending to CSV file without headers
I am using opencsv to write a Java bean to a CSV file with headers. The file name contains the current date. If the user runs it for a second time in the same day, it appends to the file but adds another header line. How do I append to the file but without the column headers. Answer Good one.
Execute the remaining code after handling exception in java? [closed]
Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 4 years ago. Improve this question I may be silly. But I got interviewed and I was asked question regarding how you will run the remaining code after you will get
Media player returns error and no sound plays
I have been testing my basic media player created for an app start up sound. The media is pulled from a URL contained within my firebase database. The media player works on an earlier emulators but not on any real device. The error code is MediaPlayer start called in state 0 (Error -38, 0). I’ve read that it’s because the
@Before/@BeforeEach inheritance behaviour change JUnit4 / JUnit5
When migrating from JUnit4 to JUnit5 I found a change in the behaviour of JUnit4 and JUnit5 and wanted to check if the change was a bug in JUnit4 or in JUnit5 and how to do it correctly. Lets assume the following structure: One base class Another class that inherits from this base class And an actual test class If
package org.springframework.boot does not exist
I am trying to run a Small basic Spring boot program on my machine and I when I run clean compile (even before trying spring-boot:run) on maven I get the following Error : Here is my Pom.xml : And here is my java Class : I tried many solutions I could find on internet, such as deleting the .m2 repository,