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Best practice for Unit Testing class which is mostly responsible to call methods of dependencies, but contains logic as well

Let’s assume I have StartCommandHandler which has responsibility to create some file with required files. But for doing this I have to give him a set of sub-responsibilities, like: Checks whether file exists in the FTP If Not downloads files from multiple sources to the temp folder Then executes some script in the folder Then read generated file after script

Dynamically add chips to chipgroup

I’m trying to add several chips to the chip group dynamically. The first one appears fine but others do not appear properly. But when I do it using XML it works fine. activity_main.xml In style.xml standalone_chip.xml Answer In your main activity you are doing like this. Notice you are creating a new instance of chip i.e chip2 but you

SpringBoot DTO Validation

I am new to spring-boot I’m trying to add validation to my DTO class like below. Below is my REST endpoint to save employee. I create a Validation class like below to validate the DTO fields. expected output is { “firstName”:”Employee first name is required”, “employeeNum”:”EmployeeNUM is required” } But I’m getting only the 400 bad request when hit the

How to make a program show a toast instead of crashing?

I am working on an app. Here’s a small fragment which converts the entered string to a fraction: This works pretty well, provided you enter the number in the correct format. However, if we mess up the format, example, inserted 2 spaces or ‘/’, the app crashes and closes. I want that if the program encounters a problem in this

how to throw an exception to the main method consist of arraylist? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question /Create a method namely callMethod in which display all countries from the arraylist,If more than 5 countries,the method will throw an exception to the main()

How to create a self registering factory in Java?

Factory pattern violates the OCP principle because it uses if() statements, which implies that if any class is added then the factory class has to change, being against SOLID principles. Self registering classes are supposed to address this problem according to this resource: The problem is that i don’t know C#. Can someone make an example of this in

Detecting last character

Im trying to detect whether the last character of a string contains an operator using an array checker that was previously used for integers. For some reason the code will always display “Not In” Even …
