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Getting an exception “org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.SurefireBooterForkException: . VM crash or System.exit called?”

I am working on a Selenium Automation project which is based on Maven Cucumber + TestNg. While on run i am getting the below exception not sure but tried all the possibilities of incrementing or decrementing the Surefire versions. Error occurred in starting fork, check output in log Process Exit Code: 1 org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.SurefireBooterForkException: The forked VM terminated without properly saying

Is it required to specify type of data to both diamond operators while creating object?

I am creating an object of ArrayAdapter in Java(Android Studio) is it required to add String Data type to both sides inside the diamond operators? can anyone explain Answer No, you do not need to specify it on the right side. However, it won’t cause any harm if you specify there. Please read more about the diamond at Given

Spring autherization http security redirection, session issue

I am using Spring http security(Enablewebsecurity) to manage sessions. But the issue I am facing is, whenever I start the application, the app is opening always home page instead of going to login page. The requirement here is if session is out, need to go login page. Also session needs to time out for 30minutes. Is there any wrong with

Will an application made in JDK 14 run on a machine that has Java version 8 installed?

My question stems from this… when you google “download java” the first result is this: This prompts you to install java 8. If I’m creating an application using JDK 14, can I expect that application to run on a clients computer that has installed java from the link above (Java 8)? Additionally, what is that link installing that’s different

Error Installing DevStyle plugin for Eclipse

I installed the current latest version of eclipse (202006) CDT. I have tried installing the DevStyle plugin and received the following error: This error message is fairly cryptic to me. I looked a similar problem here. But this specifies Java 11 and Java 14. I don’t know how this relates to my JRE 1.8.0_251 (Version 8 Update 251). I also
