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Scaling an ImageView when the soft keyboard opens

I’m creating a tabbed activity. As long as the first tab is selected, the soft keyboard should be visible. I achieved that by adding this line to my manifest file in the activity tag: As the keyboard opens, the space for the layout shrinks. The most space is occupated by an ImageView. I want it to shrink with the layout

Select the top row in JPQL without using native query option

How is it possible to select the first row at the top of the selection without using native query option in JPQL/JPA? Answer You might be able to use a max subquery here to restrict to the “first” row: This would be logically correct if orderNumber would always be guaranteed to be unique, in which case there would only be

How to handle file access in a reactive environment

I’m refactoring some blocking code to reactive (using Reactor). I think most of the methods in the java.nio.file.Files class are blocking. Is it right if I replace a method like: with: I think it’s necessary, especially when cheap HDDs are used. Or does a library exists in Reactor for this kind of file manipulation? Answer Generally yes, but your code

JavaFX – Change ListView’s FocusModel

I have a ListView and am currently overriding the SelectionModel to prevent selection of the items, but when you attempt to select an item, it is still showing the outline. Reading over the API, I found that I can do the same thing but this time by overriding the FocusModel using And here is my SettingsFocusModel It is not working

Colored Emojis in Java Swing Labels

I was wondering how to dispaly colored emojis in swing. I have a feeling that the Swing (awt) font engine is unable to do this. I’ve tried using the windows emoji font (Segoe UI Emoji), but sadly it only displays the monochrome variants. Is there any UIManager-Property or Client-Property that I can set in order to get the non-monochrome variant
