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Rounding in Java using Math.random()

Suppose I write then one would obtain and output of x in [0, 4.9…]. But upon casting it as an integer, the result I continuously see (in my course) is [0, 4]. My question is how we are defining the rounding function; I am familiar with the floor function, and the floor of 4.9… is precisely 5 due to there

Are Java programs just instances of the JRE?

When you run a .exe console application in Windows (such as one written in C++), Windows creates a console window for you. So in essence, the program doesn’t run on top of anything other than Windows itself. When you invoke java Main.class inside the cmd.exe console, is it really its own standalone program? It feels more like java is the

Object array with variable from another class

Worksheet Question: The question said to declare an array of 5 objects of the class Node in the main Class – I managed to this as shown below But then the question continues populate the array by objects with seqNo values assigned to 1,2,3,4,5 respectively. Then traverse the array and print the list of its object using method show() I

procedure myProcedure (text, text) does not exist Hint: No procedure matches the given name and argument types

whenever trying calling any stored procedure in PostgreSQL 11.4 from my java application but getting this issue procedure pkg$my_procedure(text, text) does not exist. Note that I’m able to call the SP from DB. im using PostgreSQL JDBC version 42.2.16 the SP declaration Java code to call the SP the Exception the call from PostgreSQL Answer You created the stored procedure

Block instances of a class at the JVM level?

Is there a way to configure the JVM to block instances of a class being created? I’d like to do this to ensure no service running in the JVM is allowed to create instances of a class that has been identified as a security risk in a CVE, lets call that class BadClass. NOTE: I’m looking for a general solution,

How to use avro native decoder when using a PollableMessageSource input in spring cloud stream?

I’m using a PollableMessageSource input to read from a Kafka topic. Messages on that topic are in Avro. use-native-decoding was set to true when those messages were published. This is how I’m polling: pollableChannels is just an injected instance of this interface: After seeing that the TypeClassName is not being formed properly (it’s nested objects are set to null by

Java regular expression to match valid Java identifiers

I need to create a regular expression able to find and get valid identifiers in Java code like this: I have tried to add multiple regexes in a single regex, but how can I build a pattern to exclude reserved words? I tried this regex ^(((&&|<=|>=|<|>|!=|==|&|!)|([-+=]{1,2})|([.!?)}{;,(-]))|(else|if|float|int)|(d[d.])) but it does not work as expected. Online demo In the following picture, how

Variable value not being passed into another class

I’m trying to let the user to choose which option is in their menu, and setting the variables based on the option that the customer choose, but when I go to another class and retrieve it, there is no value being passed. Here is my alacarte class Here is my checkout class Here is my output Answer You have all
