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java.util.ConcurrentModificationException when removing elements from arraylist even with iterators

I’m trying to delete content from two arrayLists when a particular condition is satisfied. But when the condition satisfied I get Concurrent modification error. After searching on internet I saw the solution to fix this using the iterator concept but that also doesn’t work. Here is the two code variations that I tried: [my code is in Kotlin] 1st variation:

Data set got merged incorrectly/randomly?

I have a .csv file that looks something like this: 123,1-1-2020,[Apple] 123,1-2-2020,[Apple] 123,1-2-2020,[Beer] 345,1-3-2020,[Bacon] 345,1-4-2020,[Cheese] 345,1-4-2020,[Sausage] 345,1-5-2020,[Bacon] …

Issue with implementing methods from an interface

I’m quite new to Java and I’ve just encountered an issue with implementing methods from an interface. I tried to search this up online but couldn’t find the solution I needed. A simple version of my code is as follows: Interface: Class: I’m currently using eclipse and it is suggesting that I remove the @Overide tag above the method. When

How to send PUT/PATCH/DELETE requests in thymeleaf template?

How can I send a DELETE request with thymeleaf? I tried as follows: But all that I get is: org.springframework.web.HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException: Request method ‘POST’ not supported Answer If you are using Spring Boot 2.2+, you need to enable support for this explictly. Add the following to Spring Boot < 2.2 always registers the filter, for Spring Boot 2.2 or higher
