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Tag: activemq-artemis

How to target all nodes of an ActiveMQ Artemis cluster with Spring’s DefaultMessageListenerContainer

I’ve got an issue connecting to an ActiveMQ Artemis cluster (AMQ from Red Hat in fact) through Spring’s DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory. DefaultMessageListenerContainer makes use of only one connection, regardless of the number of consumers you specify through the concurrency parameter. The problem is that, in the cluster, there are 3 brokers configured at the moment (and, as a dev, I shouldn’t care

ActiveMQ Artemis prefixes “jms.topic.” to all topic names defined on Spring Boot Client

I’m using ActiveMQ Artemis 2.18.0 and version 2.5.5 of the spring-boot-starter-artemis dependency on a Spring Boot client. In my use case clients are required to communicate with each other via topics. The issue is that the string jms.topic. is getting prefixed to every topic defined on the client. For example the topic foo.sendInfo becomes The broker.xml file is as

Configuring Boomi JMS connector to ActiveMQ Artemis

I’ve been using a JMS connector in Boomi to connect with ActiveMQ Artemis 2.14, but using the client library activemq-all-5.15.11.jar and factory org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory This works, except I’m having issues with the connections creating numerous org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server.impl.MessageReferenceImpl objects in the heap, which aren’t associated with the actual messages, but rather the ActiveMQ.Advisory.TempQueue. So I’m trying to setup a Boomi JMS connector using

Connection refused when trying to connect to ActiveMQ Artemis deployed on Openshift

We have an Openshift project ( project1 ) in which we setup an AMQ Artemis broker using the image : amq- amq-broker-7-tech-preview/amq-broker-71-openshif . Being the basic image we don’t have any configuration such as SSL or TLS. In order to do the setup we used as example : After the deployment of the image on Openshift we have the
