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IllegalArgumentException at gradle build error

I keep on getting a IllegalArgumentException at and I am not sure what is causing it. I pulled a brand new Spring project from start spring io just with basic Web, Lombok and JPA dependencies. I tried building it with gradle doing ./gradlew clean build and it keep throwing this error. Here is my build.gradle: and my gradle

How to pass value from a fragment/activity to xml?

So I know data can be passed using intent between activities and fragments, but is there a way to pass the value to some XML files? Say, I have the name and email from the login page, and I can pass it from from loginActivity to mainActivity (navigation) panel, but is there a way to pass it to strings.xml in

How do I pass ArrayLists to another activity, modify it, and return it back to use?

I’m trying to create a login/register part of a project, and I’m having trouble with passing the sign-up information back to the login activity. I initialized username_info, password_info, and name_info in MainActivity, and I want to send it to SignUpActivity through Intent. After values are added in the other activity, it’s sent back like this (the arraylists have the same

Create and find highest value in subarraylist

I have an Arraylist of the Cells from an Excel sheet. I want to create subarraylists of size 50 from the Arraylist of Cells I actually have, beginning from the index of 1590 and ending with size()-700. I want to get the highest number from every subarraylist and put it in the new Arraylist. in the new Arraylist there should

Mapping one to one relationships in Spring Boot

I am trying to map a User with a certain Table in a one to one relationship. This here is my code, id appreciate if u take a look at it: User class: The Table class: Answer You don’t mapped parent entity with child entity properly.In parent table object of CTable is currenTable and you mapped by with table. Change:

How to define Nested enum type in GraphQL schema

I have an enum defined in graphql schema as below: But the WILDCARD query, can be further specified as STARTSWITH, ENDSWITH and CONTAINS, So can we achieve something like below while defining Schema or Answer There are no such nested enums in GraphQL schema. You can consider to model it using two separate fields with separate enums . And suppose

Connection Reset for Vert.x mailsender on keep alive timeout

We have an application based on Quarkus (2.4.2), and its mailsender is Vert.x Mailer. Config used: The issue we are having is that 60 seconds after a mail is sent the following is logged: Based on this stacktrace it looks like it is that do Connection reset, timeout handling in Vert.x’ SMTPConnection should close gracefully. Does anyone have any

Installing jenkins on Linux Mint 20.2

I’ve Linux Mint 20.2 Cinnamon and I tried to install jenkins. Detailed steps for installation is as below: 1. Installing java – installed via apt I’ve also added JAVA_HOME in ~/.zshrc which gives: 2. Installing jenkins I’ve tried with different versions of java, yet the same error. What am I doing wrong? Related solutions that I tried, but failed: [1],
