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Tag: onactivityresult

How do I pass ArrayLists to another activity, modify it, and return it back to use?

I’m trying to create a login/register part of a project, and I’m having trouble with passing the sign-up information back to the login activity. I initialized username_info, password_info, and name_info in MainActivity, and I want to send it to SignUpActivity through Intent. After values are added in the other activity, it’s sent back like this (the arraylists have the same

Android: pass data from initial activity (launching Zxing scanner) to onActivityResult callback

I use the library zxing-android-embedded in my Android App. Before calling initiateScan() method to start the scanner from my activity, I set a class variable scanedItemId to know on which item I clicked to scan: Then I get the result via onActivityResult method. It works well but my class variable scanedItemId is null because the activity is relaunched. Is it
