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What does VK stand for in Java’s KeyEvent class?

I would like to know, what does VK stand for in java? Here is an instance code in order to give you a brief idea where it is used: Answer It’s a shorthand for “Virtual Key”: KeyEvent: Virtual key codes are used to report which keyboard key has been pressed, rather than a character generated by the combination of one

Converting Time Zone to GMT values in Java 11

We keep time zones of the cities in our config table using ID of Time Zone values as Europe/London, Asia/Tokyo, etc. However, when selecting time zones from the list, user needs to see the GMT values for these time zones and we want to display Display Name of Time Zone Options as (UTC+00:00) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London rather than Europe/London.

How to count the number of elements in one input

I hope you can help me with my task. I have tried to research different sites for this, but can’t find the specific one. Let us say that I’ve input 3, 2, 1, 5, 6 then the output should be 5. Another example is I have inputted 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 then the output should be 6. It

How to get better time complexity of N queens validator

How can we lower the time complexity of this solution of NxN queens matrix validator? I have this solution while I check every row and every column and every diagonal of the matrix. If every row and column has exactly 1 queen, and the matrix has no more than 1 queen the output is true. This solution works but I
