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How do I get a JwtAuthenticationToken for my HandlerMethodArgumentResolver from the request’s Authorization header?

I have a Spring Boot application that requires a JwtAuthenticationToken passed in a HTTP Authorization header. The header itself provides a bearer token; Spring is doing some magic that I am currently unaware of to convert that bearer token string into a JwtAuthenticationToken. I have some code that extracts the user id from the token, which is used to locate

The dependencies of some of the beans in the application context form a cycle in Spring Batch

I’m working on a simple Spring Batch application, and when I finished configuring it, I found that problem: The dependencies of some of the beans in the application context form a cycle: jobRestController defined in file [/home/yassine/Downloads/demo/target/classes/com/example/demo/JobRestController.class] springBatchConfig defined in file [/home/yassine/Downloads/demo/target/classes/com/example/demo/SpringBatchConfig.class] Action: Relying upon circular references is discouraged and they are prohibited by default. Update your application to remove

What does latency metrics represent in Flink and are them really valid to evaluate the latency of an application?

I’ve a pipeline developed as shown below: I’m thinking hard about a way to value latency from input to output, but the relation between input and output isn’t 1 to 1 but there are a lot of transformations that make the latency evaluation conceptually very hard. I know about the latency metrics given by using the method: env.getConfig().setLatencyTrackingInterval(1000), but I

Spring Data cosmos @Transactions support

With Azure Cosmos DB transactional batch support available for Cosmos Java SDK 4.7.0, Does Spring Data Cosmos allows transactional operations? I went through Spring Data Cosmos Github Documentation, but didn’t find a reference. Need help if there is a way to implement transaction batch operations via spring cosmos data. If there is no way currently, then what would be the

Spring Security injecting null @AuthenticatedPrincipal into controllers

Java 11, Spring Security here. I have the following endpoint/method in my @RestController: When I set a breakpoint inside this method and login to my app, token is null (meaning it was not properly injected as an @AuthenticatedPrincipal) however SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() returns an Authentication instance that looks totally fine. I get a NPE when the token.getCredentials() gets called at the bottom
