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Mirroring an Image in Java

Background info: I’ve made a program that uploads an image using JFileChooser and fills in the space of the JFrame. I then apply filters via buttons. Currently 3 of my 4 filters work, or all except my mirror one. It randomly (or I guess not so randomly as there’s always a reason, I just don’t know what I did) worked

Can’t pass wildcard Comparator to function

I have the following sort method in a clone of ArrayList: The sorter object is an instance of Sort: I get the following error on the sorter.mergeSort line: I’m not sure why this is happening as both the parameter and argument have type Comparator<? super E>. Answer Thanks to everyone for their comments. I’ve now fixed it. As Kayaman said,

Kth smallest number algorithm doing extra work?

So I’m preparing for a technical interview, and one of my practice questions is the Kth smallest number. I know that I can do a sort for O(n * log(n)) time and use a heap for O(n * log(k)). However I also know I can partition it (similar to quicksort) for an average case of O(n). The actual calculated average

How to programmatically align two Textviews and a Seekbar in the same line?

How to programmatically align a textview, a seekbar and another textview in the same line in android studio? Textview seekbar textview I have written the following code snippet: The following is my XML file: Current scenario: Answer Currently the LinearLayout has android:orientation=”vertical”, so the Views appear one below the other. If you want them to appear side by side, you

Java object access for same overall implementation

Perhaps the title of question isnt well created, but i couldnt understand what else I could put in there. I wanted to understand, why the first one out of the two below cases works, and how can I get the second one to work as well, given the overall implementation is same. From a code point of view, what principal

I don’t understand this opcode in JVM Implementation

I am writing a JVM. I was implementing all opcodes one by one, until I faced dup2. The oracle instruction set says Duplicate the top one or two values on the operand stack and push the duplicated value or values back onto the operand stack in the original order How am I supposed to choose which operation to perform?
