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How to test public method in Application Module in Oracle ADF?

I am working on a project that is based on the Oracle ADF framework. We have an AM (application module) called TestAM.xml that has interface and implementation class has a public method with a method signature: String fetchSomething(String id) I want to test/debug this method locally by passing the ID parameter, how can I do that? I

Is there a way I can bundle a jre in a Launch4j .exe file?

I would like to bundle a jre folder into my generated launch4j .exe file via maven pom.xml (For some reason, I don’t want an installer, just a click to run Java application that has its own embedded jre). Is it possible? I have read through several posts and I don’t get a maven automated one. I don’t want to do

How to determine how many times a character is repeated in a string?

I am having some trouble with writing a method that when prompted with a number returns how many times each value is repeated. For example, if the number 7846597 is entered the method would return: I know this would be most easily done with a loop, but I am not sure how to write the actual code. I also know

How to target all nodes of an ActiveMQ Artemis cluster with Spring’s DefaultMessageListenerContainer

I’ve got an issue connecting to an ActiveMQ Artemis cluster (AMQ from Red Hat in fact) through Spring’s DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory. DefaultMessageListenerContainer makes use of only one connection, regardless of the number of consumers you specify through the concurrency parameter. The problem is that, in the cluster, there are 3 brokers configured at the moment (and, as a dev, I shouldn’t care

How can I print an error message if the value is < 250

I have this code where somebody can choose a ppm value and it calculates the fanControl value. What do I have to do that the program prints an error message and stops calculating if the person who chooses the ppm value, chooses something less than 250. Answer I agree with @Federico Your solution will depend on how you want to

How to Call function in custom view in android studio activity activity_main.xml when I going to run that code in my device it keep closing. Log cat shows error like this. I use physical device to implement this code. I’m beginner android developer also. I follow different kind of tutorials but I could not be able to solve it.I want to use this custom component same as normal widgets
