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Mapping array with Hibernate

Can you please help me to map this class using Hibernate? I’m using PostgreSQL and the column type in the table is integer[] How my array should be mapped? Answer I have never mapped arrays to hibernate. I always use collections. So, I have slightly changed you class:

Android Resource – Array of Arrays

I am trying to implement a resource data structure that includes an array of arrays, specifically strings. The issue I run into is how to get the sub-array objects and their specific values. Here is what my resource file looks like…. Then, in my Java code I retrieve the array and try to access the sub elements like so… At

Best way to parseDouble with comma as decimal separator?

Because of the comma used as the decimal separator, this code throws a NumberFormatException: Is there a better way to parse “1,234” to get 1.234 than: p = p.replaceAll(“,”,”.”);? Answer Use java.text.NumberFormat: Updated: To support multi-language apps use:

Java: Subtract ‘0’ from char to get an int… why does this work?

This works fine: Yet this doesn’t – because bar.charAt(x) returns a char: It seems that subtracting ‘0’ from the char is casting it to an integer. Why, or how, does subtracting the string ‘0’ (or is it a char?) convert another char in to an integer? Answer That’s a clever trick. char’s are actually of the same type / length

Is there a maximum size to char[]?

IN JAVA Is there a maximum size of char[]? Can I have a char[5,000,000]? Is array in java composed of contiguous memory blocks? Answer Since the index is int based the maximum size of an array should be Integer.MAX_VALUE Obviously the other limit is the amount of memory available to your application 🙂

autocomplete in vaadin?

I’m new to vaadin. How do I do autocomplete (actually, more like google suggest) on a huge set of data that cannot be loaded in memory, but instead performing a JPA query on every key event. Is it possible to capture key events on a textfield or combobox? Answer You could check out Henrik Paul’s SuperImmediateTextField, which is a Vaadin

Are there any tools for parsing HTML using GWT

in my GWT application, on the client side I have a string containing html. Is there a good way to go about parsing that and finding specific html tags within it and returning the id’s of those tags? …
