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Category: Questions

Wildcard not allowed for Iterable in Java

I have following code setup. But this is not allowed as wildcard is not allowed for Iterable. What actually Java tries to a achieve here by not allowing this? What modifications would get this working? Answer When a class instance is created, it invokes the initializer of the super type. But you can’t use wildcards for instance creation, hence your

Jersey test framework: Test Container is null

I have the following test class that tests a simple “/helloWorld” endpoint that is implemented in jax-rs. I am running this as an EAR file in a JBOSS EAP Server locally. When I run the test I get the following: Answer JerseyTest is not compatible with JUnit 5 at the moment. From their workaround, add to your class, and

Instant reverse dependencies between classes in visual paradigm

I would like to reverse dependencies between my java classes using visual paradigm. Is there any way to do it ? Or any other UML modeling tool that could achieve that ? Answer First you do not want to ‘reverse’ the dependencies from sources but to have them produced in addition during/after the reverse, I mean a dependency is not

Reflection of FM parameters in JCo

I have a problem with the dynamic receipt of the list of parameters and their values when calling the Function Module in SAP (with DESTINATION parameter as SAP JCO SERVER) and then processing it using …

Regex to find text between string pattren

String: [img border=0]/scm/images/bbcode/sets/misc/bullet_go.png[/img] Result I Want: [img border=0]images/bbcode/sets/misc/bullet_go.png[/img] without /scm/ text. Issue: Text scm is not static, could be any other text in data. What I want: Have a look to this string [img border=0]/scm/images/bbcode/sets/misc/bullet_go.png[/img] Regex which can fetch a text between ] and images/bbcode/ so the regex will detect the scm text and then can remove this scm from

what is the best way to show a multiple images in android studio?

I have a multiple images about 600 image I want to use it for page in viewPager. I put it all in drawable but it’s take space what is the best way to store image? Answer Uploading them to a Cloudstorage (or Discord) and then loading the images with their links using Coil or Glide would be a way. As

RabbitMQ Connection reset Exception

I have the same issue from this question: RabbitMQ Connection reset. My code is in kotlin and from I have RabbitMQ configured this way: I tested this: and getting result in cmd: RabbitMQ log (1 attempt to connect): And exception, it’s coming from line with “val connection = connectionFactory.newConnection()” When I try to check TLS support in Erlang
