I have the following two classes which provide the JWT authentication mechanisem.
@Singleton @Replaces(value = DelegatingAuthenticationProvider.class) public class CustomDelegatingAuthenticationProvider extends DelegatingAuthenticationProvider { /** * @param userFetcher Fetches users from persistence * @param passwordEncoder Collaborator which checks if a raw password matches an encoded password * @param authoritiesFetcher Fetches authorities for a particular user */ public CustomDelegatingAuthenticationProvider(UserFetcher userFetcher, PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder, AuthoritiesFetcher authoritiesFetcher) { super(userFetcher, passwordEncoder, authoritiesFetcher); } @Override protected Publisher<AuthenticationResponse> createSuccessfulAuthenticationResponse(AuthenticationRequest authenticationRequest, UserState userState) { if (userState instanceof UserMember) { UserMember user = (UserMember) userState; return Flowable .fromPublisher(authoritiesFetcher.findAuthoritiesByUsername(user.getUsername())) .map(authorities -> new HDSUser(user.getUsername(), authorities, user.getId())); } return super.createSuccessfulAuthenticationResponse(authenticationRequest, userState); } }
@Singleton @Replaces(value = JWTClaimsSetGenerator.class) public class CustomJWTClaimsSetGenerator extends JWTClaimsSetGenerator { CustomJWTClaimsSetGenerator(TokenConfiguration tokenConfiguration, @Nullable JwtIdGenerator jwtIdGenerator, @Nullable ClaimsAudienceProvider claimsAudienceProvider) { super(tokenConfiguration, jwtIdGenerator, claimsAudienceProvider); } protected void populateWithUserDetails(JWTClaimsSet.Builder builder, UserDetails userDetails) { super.populateWithUserDetails(builder, userDetails); if (userDetails instanceof HDSUser) { builder.claim("userId", ((HDSUser) userDetails).getId()); } } }
The default response to the client looks like this:
My question. How can I extend the class to return all user attributes? Besides username I want to have the user id.
HDS user class which gathers the DB id
@CompileStatic public class HDSUser extends UserDetails { private long id; public HDSUser(String username, Collection<String> roles, long id) { super(username, roles); this.id = id; } public long getId() { return id; } public void setId(long id) { this.id = id; } }
To extend the returned data you need to extend (implement custom) TokenRenderer
as well as a custom version of the AccessRefreshToken
Just as a simple example see the following code snipped which will extend the default access token payload with userId
First, create a custom AccessRefreshToken
class with additional fields which are required.
@Introspected @Getter @Setter public class CustomAccessRefreshToken extends BearerAccessRefreshToken { // the new field which will be in the response private String userId; public CustomAccessRefreshToken(String username, Collection<String> roles, Integer expiresIn, String accessToken, String refreshToken, String tokenType ) { super(username, roles, expiresIn, accessToken, refreshToken, tokenType); } }
Next, we will need a TokenRenderer
which will be used by the underlying subsystem to generate our custom token.
@Singleton @Replaces(value = BearerTokenRenderer.class) public class CustomTokenRenderer implements TokenRenderer { private static final String BEARER_TOKEN_TYPE = HttpHeaderValues.AUTHORIZATION_PREFIX_BEARER; @Override public AccessRefreshToken render(Integer expiresIn, String accessToken, @Nullable String refreshToken) { return new AccessRefreshToken(accessToken, refreshToken, BEARER_TOKEN_TYPE, expiresIn); } @Override public AccessRefreshToken render(Authentication authentication, Integer expiresIn, String accessToken, @Nullable String refreshToken) { CustomAccessRefreshToken token = new CustomAccessRefreshToken(authentication.getName(), authentication.getRoles(), expiresIn, accessToken, refreshToken, BEARER_TOKEN_TYPE); // here just take the user data from Authentication object or access any other service token.setUserId("Some user id"); return token; } }
That’s it )) Just implement render()
method the way you want and add as many custom fields as needed.
The response from the given example will look like
{ "username": "sherlock", "userId": "Some user id", "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJzaGVybG9jayIsIm5iZiI6MTYzNjk5MTgzMSwicm9sZXMiOltdLCJpc3MiOiJtaWNyb25hdXRndWlkZSIsImV4cCI6MTYzNjk5NTQzMSwiaWF0IjoxNjM2OTkxODMxfQ.Cat1CTsUZkCj-OHGafiefNm1snPsALoaNw9y2xwF5Pw", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 3600 }
If you are on the older version of the Micronaut v1.x the TokenRenderer will look like this.
@Singleton @Replaces(value = BearerTokenRenderer.class) public class CustomTokenRenderer implements TokenRenderer { private static final String BEARER_TOKEN_TYPE = HttpHeaderValues.AUTHORIZATION_PREFIX_BEARER; public AccessRefreshToken render(Integer expiresIn, String accessToken, String refreshToken) { return new AccessRefreshToken(accessToken, refreshToken, BEARER_TOKEN_TYPE, expiresIn); } public AccessRefreshToken render(UserDetails userDetails, Integer expiresIn, String accessToken, String refreshToken) { CustomAccessRefreshToken token = new CustomAccessRefreshToken(userDetails.getUsername(), userDetails.getRoles(), expiresIn, accessToken, refreshToken, BEARER_TOKEN_TYPE); token.setUserId("Some user id, Some user id"); return token; } }