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Tag: zgc

Make ZGC run often

ZGC runs not often enough. GC logs show that it runs once every 2-3 minutes for my application and because of this, my memory usage goes high between GC cycles (as high as 90%). After GC, it drops to as low as 20%. How to increase GC run’s frequency to run more often? Answer -XX:ZCollectionInterval=N – set maximum gap between

Getting ‘allocation stall’ when enabling ZGC

I am testing the new zgc garbage collector that was included in java 11 since it promises really low latency. Our application is a real-time service that creates and destroys many objects per second and it does it in a multi-threaded environment using akka. When enabling zgc by passing the options -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseZGC and enabling gc logs, we can see
