I want to make a samsung smart tv app with tizen. I’ve made an webpage using springboot. I tried making the app using that webpage codes I made, but I’ve got to know Tizen doesn’t support java but html, css,and javascript only. So I used meta http-equip=”refresh”, and let index.html go to my webpage url, but there were long loading
Tag: web-applications
oracle-maven-sync plugin (v14.1.1) error while deploying web application: ‘deploy’ goal not found
I am using following plugin to deploy my web application to weblogic 14c with maven (3.6.3): while executing the goal, maven is giving the below error: [ERROR] Could not find goal ‘deploy’ in plugin com.oracle.maven:oracle-maven-sync:14.1.1-0-0 among available goals help, push -> [Help 1] Eclipse also giving the below warning for the pom file having plugin configuration: Invalid goal for this
Spring – No EntityManager with actual transaction available for current thread – cannot reliably process ‘persist’ call
I get this error when trying to invoke “persist” method to save entity model to database in my Spring MVC web application. Can’t really find any post or page in internet that can relate to this particular error. It seems like something’s wrong with EntityManagerFactory bean but i’m fairly new to Spring programming so for me it seems like everything
Java Simple Email Program in Eclipse
I want to make a simple program where you can send email from the Command Line. I found this tutorial, ‘ http://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/java_sending_email.htm ‘, however the downloads don’t. So where can I get JavaMail API and Java Activation Framework (JAF) and how would i put it in my class path. Basically Im looking for someone to break it down and show
MailConnectException while sending mail using java mail api
Trying to send an email using java mail api. And I keep getting MailConnectException. I have tried multiple ways to solve it without success. Exception is thrown by this statement Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong? Stack trace: Answer This looks like network problem. Even though it could occur due to variety of reasons, like :- “Couldn’t connect
Are static setter/getters allowed?
I am develoing a Web Application, in that there is a utility method named getData() which I made it as a static. Until now its fine, but this static method named getData() needs some data from setters and getters. So now my question is can we make setter/getters as static? Answer If your properties are static, then getters and setters
Eclipse Java utility project and multiple web apps
If I create a utility project and multiple dynamic web projects within Eclipse and set it up so that dynamic web projects depend on the utility project, I’m guessing that I will have to redeploy all …
What is the best way to scale images in Java?
I have a web application written in Java (Spring, Hibernate/JPA, Struts2) where users can upload images and store them in the file system. I would like to scale those images so that they are of a consistent size for display on the site. What libraries or built in functions will offer the best results? I will consider the following criteria