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Tag: vert.x

Getting image in POST request using Java and vert.x

I got the following question, I can’t get image which I’m sending from android app to server, I’m sending image from app using kotlin, and receiving it on server written with Java using vert.x. I send it with following code: on server side I’m handling it like But I can’t get anything into imageByte variable. Answer You need to add

Refresh access_token via refresh_token in Keycloak

I need to make the user keep login in the system if the user’s access_token get expired and user want to keep login. How can I get newly updated access_token with the use of refresh_token on Keycloak? I am using vertx-auth for the auth implementation with Keycloak on vert.x. Is it possible to refresh access_token with vertx-auth or Keycloak’s REST

Tomcat vs Vert.x

For the past few days I have been reading Vert.x documents. I know that Vert.x is polyglot, single threaded, non-blocking IO, modular architecture, high scalability. Is there any other major differences between tomcat and Vert.x? Also when we should use tomcat and when to use Vert.x? Answer Tomcat is a servlet container, so it offers you a platform that helps
