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Tag: variables

java variable scope, variable might not have been initialized

I am studying java, I know Java variable scope, such as class level, method level, block level. However, when I try to practice the variable scope, I meet the error in my code. my code is as following: when I run this code, it display the error: the c variable might not have been initialized, but when I change my

How to Count Number of Instances of a Class

Can anyone tell me how to count the number of instances of a class? Here’s my code The class variable is to be used to keep count of the number of instances of the Bicycle class created and the tester class creates a number of instances of the Bicycle class and demonstrates the workings of the Bicycle class and the

Setting all values in a boolean array to true

Is there a method in Java for setting all values in a boolean array to true? Obviously I could do this with a for loop, but if I have (for example) a large 3D array, I imagine using a loop would be quite inefficient. Is there any method in Java to set all values in a certain array to true,

How to create change listener for variable?

Let’s say I have some variable defined using the statementint someVariable;. While the code runs, the variable’s value changes. How can I track the changes in this variable? How could I implement some Listener that behaves like onSomeVariableChangedListener? I also need to know when some other method in one page has been executed so I can set a Listener in
