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Tag: testing

Load CSV file located in the classpath for H2 Database

For tests purposes, I want to create and fill some tables using SQL scripts as well as CSV files. So I created a SQL script like this one: The foo.csv file exists, and is located in src/test/resources. When this script is run on Eclipse (where src/test/resources is defined as a source directory and thus is included in the classpath), I

Is there any mobile testing tools? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 10 months ago. Improve this question I want to ask about a tool or software to test

HowTo Unit Test Client Server Code

I’m currently writing a Java Client Server Application. So i want to implement two Libraries, one for the Client and one for the Server. The Client Server Communication has a very strict protocol, that I wan’t to test with JUnit. As build tool im using Maven and a Husdon Server for continues Integration. Actually I do not have any good

How do I get my Maven Integration tests to run

I have a maven2 multi-module project and in each of my child modules I have JUnit tests that are named and for unit tests and integration tests respectively. When I execute: mvn test all of the JUnit tests * within the child modules are executed. When I execute mvn test -Dtest=**/*Integration none of the tests get execute

Quick and easy way to test OSGi bundles

Currently, I am working on a new version control system as part of a final year project at University. The idea is to make it highly adaptable and pluggable. We’re using the OSGi framework (Equinox implementation) to manage our plug ins. My problem is that I can’t find a simple & easy to use method for testing OSGi bundles. Currently,
