I would like to know what the replacement is for the altKey and srcKey attributes in the <html:img> tag in Struts 2. What I want to achieve is to be able to insert an image with source path from properties file. Similar to what srcKey does in Struts1. And even for the altertnate text, I want to know how to
Tag: struts
No action mapped error while running Struts 2 app on Netbeans 7.3.1
Trying to build a Struts 2 app which directs the user to a page (Display.jsp) that shows the color of a user defined RGB color configuration. I get the example from the Struts 2 Tutorial by Budi Karniawan. When I manually cut and paste the source code and build the app manually as an NB Web application, it runs fine
Why do we need global-forwards and global-exceptions in struts?
I have a basic question in struts why do we need to have <global-forwards>and <global-exceptions> in struts-config.xml. If we can achieve the same things with <action-mappings> itself. Answer <global-forwards> Consider you are validating the username password for different urls like update.do insert.do delete.do If it is a valid user, you need to proceed the necessary action. If not, you need