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Tag: spring

Java Spring omits fields when making a JSON

I have an object that looks more or less like this, and I use it as a GET response for my API. scores and values are both database entities. I wanted to add a String to the response with some additional information. What happens is that the objects are properly turned into a JSON and they show up in the

Convert fields before sending to the page

I have a user dto class and i need to convert some of its properties before send it to frontend. UsedDto class Now, from my controller i get data like this In my case, before send data, i should convert boolean values (enabled, active) to string “Y” or “N”. How can i do this? Answer You can implement a custom

Application failed after added swagger configuration

I’m using spring boot and I want to add swagger configuration, the problem is after I run the application I get this error: In my class I added this methods: In my pom.xml I added this dependencies: I can’t understand what is wrong, I followed online solution asking me to add @EnableSwagger2WebMv and @EnableSwagger2 but I still get errors. I

Spring R2DBC Repos auto configuration not resolving dependencies

I Have the following repository: in which I try to use R2DBC in order to do db operations in an async manner. I followed the following tutorial (but maybe it is outdated Here are the relevant dependancies of my pom: I am using the default configurations, so I only have the following configuration in my properties yaml: And

How Spring Batch Step chunkSize and JpaPagingItemReader pageSize work together

Im developing a Spring Batch application. Although I’m getting more and more comfortable with it, I came across with something that is making me very confused. Please take a look at this step configuration. As you can see it’s a pretty standard step. My confusion is related to the chunk size (50) and the reader (processNonExportedMbfsOperationsItemReader). Reader code next: The

My Spring JPA queries do not work with H2

This query below does not work and it generates me an exception When I used the MySQL database, the query worked fine. But now that I am using the H2 database, it suddenly does not work. Why? How do I fix this? Answer It would be better to use JPA. If you still wanna use nativeQuery, use like this:

Spring – how to automatically insert an entity in the database when inserting another (One-To-One relationship)?

Hi fellow software developers, Let’s assume we have the following scenario: we have a system where drivers can register. Each time a new Driver registers, the system automatically builds and assigns a Car to the driver. Let’s consider we have the following rest controller which exposes an endpoint for the drivers to register in the system: How would you Actually
