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Tag: spring-security

Spring Boot, OAuth2 authentication is lost between requests

EDIT: log from ***But if I look in the logs some requests after I can get the valid auth: Debug 2022-01-17 12:31:03.945 IST “Set SecurityContextHolder to SecurityContextImpl [Authentication=OAuth2AuthenticationToken [, Credentials=[PROTECTED], Authenticated=true, Details=WebAuthenticationDetails [RemoteIpAddress=***, SessionId=9438C880A19C93AADJI206B9B8B3386], Granted Authorities=[ROLE_USER, SCOPE_, SCOPE_, SCOPE_openid]]]” Debug 2022-01-17 12:31:03.945 IST “Retrieved SecurityContextImpl [Authentication=OAuth2AuthenticationToken [, Credentials=[PROTECTED], Authenticated=true, Details=WebAuthenticationDetails [RemoteIpAddress=***, SessionId=9438C880A19C93AADJI206B9B8B3386], Granted Authorities=[ROLE_USER, SCOPE_, SCOPE_, SCOPE_openid]]]” Debug 2022-01-17

Token exchange in Spring OAuth2 client credentials flow

I have following Spring Security configuration: And following configuration is used: Now I need to do impersonation( So I need to pretend as some user. I need it because of “current user” logic inside some-app application. How can I reconfigure to achieve it ? P.S. I tried to google it but I haven’t found anything relevant. Answer RFC 8693 Token

spring security hasAuthority(“SCOPE_xxx”) method not working with spring authorization server version 0.2.0

I have created an authorization server using the new spring authorization server module. I am able to get the token successfully but when I try to use the token against a protected endpoint with hasAuthority() I get forbidden 403 error. Below my pom.xml file Below is my Authorization Server config And this is my Security Config Here is my user

How do I get a JwtAuthenticationToken for my HandlerMethodArgumentResolver from the request’s Authorization header?

I have a Spring Boot application that requires a JwtAuthenticationToken passed in a HTTP Authorization header. The header itself provides a bearer token; Spring is doing some magic that I am currently unaware of to convert that bearer token string into a JwtAuthenticationToken. I have some code that extracts the user id from the token, which is used to locate

Spring Security injecting null @AuthenticatedPrincipal into controllers

Java 11, Spring Security here. I have the following endpoint/method in my @RestController: When I set a breakpoint inside this method and login to my app, token is null (meaning it was not properly injected as an @AuthenticatedPrincipal) however SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() returns an Authentication instance that looks totally fine. I get a NPE when the token.getCredentials() gets called at the bottom

How to design two seperate authorization/authentication configurations in spring boot?

I want to implement authentication and authorization for spring boot application with this design: First group of endpoints (“/api/**) will have authorization by passing the api-secret-key through requests headers. Authentication should be permitted for all. Second group (/admin/**) will have authentication by hitting the /login endpoint passing username and password where I will have custom UserDetailService. If the authentication is
