How can I use IN query with NamedParameterJdbcTemplate? I put ‘surname1′,’surname2′ and surname1’,’surname2 in params, so :surname would be ‘surname1′,’surname2’, but both didn’t work. When there was only gender parameter, it worked. How can I do this? Answer if we have an Object like this: then:
Tag: spring-jdbc
Error while getting sql record using EntityManager
I am using EntityManager in spring boot app to get result from this query Its giving me correct output in PgAdmin but in java code List resultList = em.createNativeQuery(str).setParameter(1, sectionId ).getResultList(); Giving error ERROR: syntax error at or near “:” its breaking at data::jsonb .How do handle this using EntityManager. Answer You need to CAST like CAST( as jsonb)->>’product_id’ from
How to send the data finded in the controller to a view?
I try to do a java web application using: SpringBoot Mysql JDBC Design pattern: MVC, DAO And Thymeleaf I think i understood than: I must create a class for every Entity and a DAO classe who use the annotation @Repository: And create a controller like this where I use the method from the DAO: What i don’t understand:
Access denied for user ‘root ‘@’localhost’ ” when connecting to mysql
I try to connect to a mysql database in a spring project and error occurred. The configuration in is In pom.xml is I’m sure the password is correct. And in cmd I tried following command and it work. So what’s the possible reason? Thx. Answer Remove the spaces on the sides of the = signs in your And
What is the correct SQLException / spring data exception for missing permissions
I just noticed that when you try to execute a query that does not have required permissions (only tested on a mysql 5.7 database using the mysql-connector-java v8 driver) it is translated to a org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException. This is because the mysql driver itself throws a java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException. For instance: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: INSERT command denied to user ‘myuser’@’’ for table ‘mytable’ Is this correct
Spring boot app cannot get connection via jndi in weblogic
We have spring boot application (version => 2.4.3) that needs to run in weblogic When we give url, name and password like below, it successfully deploy and can get connection, but when we deploy via jndi like below. It is getting error. How can we fix this? We already tried these links, but it is not solved our problem.
datetime conversion to Java in SQLServer 2016
I have a scenario where I have a table that has a date field with the datetime property. In the documentation ( : Note that java.sql.Timestamp values can no longer be used to compare values from a datetime column starting from SQL Server 2016. This limitation is due to a server-side change that converts datetime to datetime2 differently, resulting in
What is the jdbctemplate dynamic query parameters limit?
I am trying to perform a read operation on my PostgreSQL database. I am using SpringTemplate and I am passing dynamic parameters to it. “SELECT id, name FROM Student WHERE id IN :id” Here, id=(1,2,3,4,5…) What is the maximum number of elements I can pass in ID without breaking my JDBC connection and for the operation to work smoothly? Answer
Catching RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR with springframework SimpleJdbcCall
I have a PL/SQL procedure where I call if something goes bad. This seems to work, because the procedure quits and throws the error when it should. I call this procedure using But when I catch the exception, it is of type DataAccessException. The cause is ORA-01403: no data found There doesn’t seem to be a way for me to
Can we fetch the results using one RowMapper object instead of creating objects everytime?
When fetching results from database through SpringJdbcTemplate, everywhere I have seen that they are passing the new object of RowMapper` every time. Is this required? Or can we just use one object and pass it again and again? Example: I know this object will be garbage collected later on, but I didn’t wanted to create the same object over and