After a few hours of running against the wall with this code, I’ve just about had it. This error is as indescriptive as can be. My User entity: TicketController controller with just the function that holds user info: User service and repository essentials: Long story short is that the User object should only need a mail address,
Tag: spring-data-jpa
Two bidirectional association at the same entity – Column cannot be null
I have a scenario where I have a relationship between two tables. One being the step and the other being to know who is the next step. select * from cpo_workflow_step_control; Step entity: Step_Control My problem is, when I try to save a Step, with a Step_Control associated, JPA tries to save everything and it complains that the last object
StackOverflowError while fetching OneToMany mapped entity in Spring Data Jpa
I have two entities that have bidirectional mapping. The entities are given below, I need to fetch all the customer entities along with its mapped accounts. My service code looks like this, But I am getting StackOverFlowError. The log is mentioned below, Can anyone help?? What am I missing here? UPDATE toString() and log updated. Couldn’t add the full log
Unable to insert null checks when using HAVING clause while building Spring Data JPA Specifications
My code is currently working using the query below and I am converting the query to JPA Specification. This is what I have done so far which is working but in an unclean manner. How do I improve this code so in the future it can accept more criteria without going through so many null checks like this? Thanks! Answer
JPA Entity Class using class object as parameter
I have a class User which has a parameter of another class type ShoppingList. As this… How can i make this ManyToOne relationship while the variable being an array? The idea is to have a User table and another ShoppingList table, so the user can have multiple lists at the same time. Answer This would be the correct way: One
Why my query return empry list and gives no error? Java Spring Jpa Repository
Here is my entity class: Here is my Repository: And my controller: Here is my Database: My Database Edit: Here is my ErgebnisseRequest class: So the repository.findAll() gives me all the data from the database. But when i am trying to search by Material it gives me a emptylist and no error. I try all of it like changing the
I get empty list from findAll Spring data and h2 data base while the database is not empty
I have a spring boot API project with h2 database. I added some data in the data.sql but the data wasn’t inserted into the database however tables are created successfully when I call the findAll API I get an empty list due to the database tables are empty. data.sql Pom.xml Main Class Repository Controller project structure Answer Add
Can’t start Spring Boot because of the class mapping
I was trying to start an Spring Boot application, with a simple class JPA mapping and H2 database, but every time I try to start the application, I have the same class error at the same column. Class with error: Error logged: The column that is with error is a table and already mapped: My H2 configurations: I tried to
Write JPA entity with foreign key id, read joined entity
I have two entities, A and B that are persisted to a relational database via JPA. Notice how A does not have a B attribute but rather just its id. In my use case at the time of persisting an A entity the B entity does not currently exist and is written later to the db. However, at read time
findAll not fetching OnetoMany fields values in Spring JPA
I am working on a Spring Boot app and I am using a OneToMany annotation to have nested object list inside my another entity object. But while fetching the data that I posted using JPA,while using findAll the OneToMany field is getting returned null. I am able to post the data and its sucessfully creating the tables in an organised