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Tag: spring-data-jpa

Why has javax.persistence-api been replaced by jakarta.persistence-api in spring data jpa starter?

I’ve recently started to learn spring boot, data jpa. As I can see from this, the spring boot data jpa starter uses jakarta.persistence-api instead of javax.persistence-api: What is the differences between jakarta.persistence-api and javax.persistence-api? What is the reason of this replacement? Answer From Java Persistence API on Wikipedia: The Java Persistence API (JPA), in 2019 renamed to Jakarta Persistence, is

How to inject spring beans into the hibernate envers RevisionListener

I am using Spring 5.1 and Hibernate 5.3.9 including hibernate-envers. I don’t know how to inject spring beans into the hibernate envers custom RevisionListener. I have tried Of course the class is included in the @ComponentScan packages resolution. A problem is that myService is not injected into the listener. In the hibernate-envers documentation: As of Hibernate Envers 5.3, dependency

Create schema if does not exist by using spring Jpa with hibernate

I’m working on spring boot 2 application and trying to establish connection with postgresql database with configuring hikari datasource and spring Jpa. I’m succeed in that and i’m using as update so it is creating table if not exists, but only the problem is it is throwing an exception when schema does not exist Error I configured everything manually

JPA/SpringBoot Repository for database view (not table)

I’m attempting to create a JPA entity for a view. From the database layer, a table and a view should be the same. However, problems begin to arise and they are two fold: When attempting to setup the correct annotations. A view does not have a primary key associated with it, yet without the proper @javax.persistence.Id annotated upon a field,

Spring Pageable does not translate @Column name

I have Entity object : And I have database view defined like this: And I have repository with custom query: Everything works fine when I request standard data with url: http://localhost:8080/someEntity/search/findBySomeParameter?parameter=25&page=0&size=20 But when I add sorting information it doesn’t work: http://localhost:8080/someEntity/search/findBySomeParameter?parameter=25&page=0&size=20&sort=entityFieldName,asc will throw following exception (I’m using Oracle database): It seems like sorting field are not translated with @Column(name), but
