The service class FooServiceImpl is annotated with @Service aka @Component which makes it eligible for autowiring. Why this class is not being picked up and autowired during unit tests? The test failed to load application context, Full stack trace If test class is annotated with @SpringBootTest then it creates whole application context including database connection and a lot of unrelated
Tag: spring-boot
Rest Controller method not getting called in spring boot
I am implementing rest webservice via a spring boot application. POM Application launcher class Controller I see Did not find handler method for [/services/account] message in the console when I fire http://localhost:8082/services/account URL in the browser as shown below I dont see message – ACCOUNT METHOD CALLED in the console meaning controller method is not getting invoked.Can you please
How to resolve SQLServerException: Invalid object name?
I am creating a spring boot application using MS SQL server. I have a requirement where I need to initialize USERS table in user_database database using data.sql file placed in /src/main/resources/ folder and rest of the tables should be created automatically in springboot_db database with the help of @Table annotation. Below is the code snippet. file data.sql (One
Use Spring Data JPA without Spring Boot application
I wanted to know if it is possible to use the Spring Data JPA without the rest of the spring framework? I used Spring Data JPA in a Spring Boot web application for another project and really liked how easy it was to use. Now I have a little project with some friends for a Desktop application without a server
What does each table for quartz scheduler signify?
There are few tables that quartz scheduler uses for scheduling jobs and to identify which job is running currently. It uses the following tables : So what is the purpose of each of these tables and what does it siginifies? Thanks in advance. Answer I had the chance to work on quartz recently. I’m myself not 100% clear on this
Spring Boot + MongoDB Id query
I have a Spring Boot application combined with MongoDB as the persistance layer. I have the following structure: I also have a ResourceRepository: I found online that a way to have the id property returned in the JSON when you perform a GET request like http://localhost:8080/resources/ is to change the id property to Id (uppercase i). Indeed, if the property
Spring Test cannot get Spring Configuration Beans
I also tried putting EnvironmentServiceTestConfiguration as a non-inner non-static class, but didn’t help. Here is what I tried in a separate class: didn’t work either The test class is located in test/java/com.bhavya.test package. I am trying to run this particular test test1 This is my first test of such kind. I have never before used AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class, enlighten me. Stacktrace :
How to properly convert domain entities to DTOs while considering scalability & testability
I have read several articles and Stackoverflow posts for converting domain objects to DTOs and tried them out in my code. When it comes to testing and scalability I am always facing some issues. I know the following three possible solutions for converting domain objects to DTOs. Most of the time I am using Spring. Solution 1: Private method in
How to start up spring-boot application via command line?
I have a spring-boot application which I need to start up by going to the folder directory and start up my web application via command line. I have a class called and the code inside it is as followed. I set up classpath then tried to run the command “java ApplicationUtility” but I’m getting this error message “Could not
Is it possible to extract the Maven Version within a VSTS Build Plan or Release
Currently using VSTS to build Spring Boot applications with Maven. Trying to figure out how to use/get the Maven Version within the build and release process. Is it possible? Answer Here is a script that will get the version of maven (given the path) and store the version number in a variable that other tasks can use later in the