I have java classes like this : I have a mapper method with annotation like this : My FieldPermissionAspect fetches the permission-field mapping from db for a user and sets field to null if user does not have permission for given field. I get a list of string field hierarchy like this : I want to set b, c, d
Tag: spring-aop
Spring AOP not getting invoked in spring boot 2.1.6 application
After following so many search results on google on this subject, my Aspect doesn’t work still on my spring boot application I am using spring boot version 2.1.6, which seem to have already spring aop, aspectjweaver and aspectjrt (stand to be corrected). i created an annotation, aspect component and use my annotation on a target class with no success. here
Accessing spring bean proxy reference itself
I have an issue with @Cacheable and @CacheEviction annotations. When I call these methods in the bean where they are declared, the aop part is not getting executed. The underlying reason for this is that the bean access to its own instance itself, instead of accessing the spring proxy. I have read this question where it is said that in
How to write an Aspect pointcut based on an annotated parameter
I’m having a bit of trouble working out how to create a pointcut that will operate on beans that have a specific annotated parameter. My eventual aim is to validate the value of the parameter before it’s processed, but for the moment I just need to create the pointcut. Consider the following annotation I’d then like to apply this to
How can I apply aop on a whole package except one subpackage
Assuming my current package structure in a spring projects as : com.stackoverflow |- service |- entities |- controllers |- package1 |- package2 |-util How can I apply an aspect to all the …
AspectJ pointcut expression match parameter annotations at any position
I’m trying to define a pointcut expression to match methods which contain a parameter annotated with a specific annotation, regardless of what position the parameter is in. In my case I’m looking for the @Constraint annotation. For example: Matching methods: So far I’ve tried the following expressions with no luck: Can someone point me to the right solution? is it
Spring AOP Advice Called Twice
For some reason, my Spring AOP advices are being called twice. I checked: Spring AOP advice is called twice but I am not using the Component annotation, and am declaring the aspect bean once and annotating it with @Aspect and that’s it. Somewhat belatedly I realized that one of my classes was not implementing an interface yet, which caused CGLIB2