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Tag: splash-screen

display image in a splash screen

I am a novice android developer. I am trying to create a splash screen. I have a png image. I have created an empty splash screen with a text box.I have 2 activities – MainActivity and SecondActivity. code: activity_main.xml: But app:srcCompat=”@drawable/geeks” is in red color. Means it is not resolved. Where shall I copy the png image for the splash

Webview Splash screen doen’t show once as expected

Am trying to create a webview app displaying a splash screen once after the first lunch. Initially once i open the app the splash screen will show up then after 5 seconds it will load main activity VaultActivity, but after i have added the line of code to check if splash screen ‘SplashScreen’ has been launched before, the app stopped

React Native Android Splash Screen

I’m trying to build a splash screen for an Android RN app. I’ve followed the steps described here : Unfortunately, when trying to launch my app, the build is successful but the app crashes saying: Does any one know where this could come from ? I have the following code : AndroidManifest.xml Answer OK, well it works

android splash screen timer plugin

I am new into developing android app, and I am trying to check if session is logged in, If the user is loggedin, It should not show the splash screen, but it the user is not loggedin, it should show the splash screen for 3 seconds. (Using code from But the Splash screen is showing all the time, so
