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Tag: sorting

Easy sort list 2D by column

I’m quiet new in Java data manipulation so I need some help if someone have a some good tips. Actually, I want just to find a easy way to sort a 2D list. I create a list like this: And then I want to have a result sorted by the second element like: I tried something like Arrays.sort(A.toArray(), (int[]a, int[]b)

Rearrange substrings using two criteria [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 12 months ago. Improve this question Given a String: I need to sort its substrings first by numbers (in descending order) and then by letters, so

Sort int[] array

I’m a bit confused on how to sort this array using the following conditions: int[] array = { 3, 15, 7, 11, 6, 4, 1, 8, 10, 13 }; The conditions are as follows: The largest integer is first The second-largest integer is last The third-largest integer should be second The pattern continues, leaving the smallest number in the middle.

Index 16 out of bounds for length 16

I am trying to sort an array of x elements using quickSort but I am getting an error “Index 16 out of bounds for length 16” please help. Answer For an array of 16 elements the indexes are 0 to 15. Thus index 16 is not part of the array and you get the OutOfBoundsException.

Sort character array using java comparator

Sort a character array lexicographically with an additional condition that all c’s comes before all b’s. This could be done manually but I want to code it via inbuilt sorting using comparators. The code I wrote – Gives output: [a, a, a, a, a, b, c, b, d, r, r]. The c only comes before one of the b’s. If

arranging the records in customised way

Sort Procedure First sort by the delivered date & in case of multiple records on same date sort by delivered time (Note: if a record has both ordered and Delivered Date ,it should be sorted by Delivered date only) 08-JUN: 03.00, 08-JUN: 04.00 Then look at the ordered date without delivered date which also exists for 08-JUN & sort by

Java Quick Sort Performance

I was doing sorting array problems and found one of the quick sorting solution extremely fast, and the only difference is the two lines of code in function 1Partition. Wondering why the following two lines of code in 1Partition can greatly improve the performance: Here’s the full source code: } Answer I guess you are doing the question on a

Difference between addChildEventListener, addValueEventListener, and addOnCompleteListener when using orderByChild()?

I’m trying to sort and display data from Firebase using orderByChild() and used: I kept on wondering why it’s not sorting until I realized that childEventListener was used in the documentation. It should’ve been: What is the difference between the two and addValueEventListener when it comes to using orderByChild or any sorting method? Does get() not follow orderByChild()? Answer All
