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Tag: scenebuilder

JavaFX Table Cell Editing

I am trying to make a program in Java to manage my bookie accounts. I’m new to java, so I thought I would chose something simple to see how things work. I decided to use a tableview and make the individual cells editable. I’ve been following this tutorial It details how to do it using java code, and copying

JavaFX menu item show shortcuts on right hand side

Take for example the menu items from the edit menu in JavaFX Scene Builder See how they display the shortcuts on the right? Is there any easy way to achieve the same effect using JavaFX? Thanks. Answer You can add an accelerator key in scene builder or add it directly in the fxml file like so KeyCodeCombination has two constructors,

How to use FXMLLoader.load() – JavaFX 2

I am building a JavaFX application using the JavaFX Scene Builder. The interface was created in the Scene Builder and a FXML file (main.fxml) was created. To use the interface in my application I must load the FXML file using the FXMLLoader, but there is a problem because the load() method returns an Object, and to build a Scene I
