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Tag: reflection

Sorting an array of classes based only on field name

I have an application where a user provides me with the name of a field, e.g name or costInCents, and I have to sort by that field. I have ways of guaranteeing that the field name will be correct. This application causes the complication that I simply cannot make my class Comparable and implement a specific compareTo(), since with a

Generics and reflection in Java. Classes

I have a task where I have to implement method of creating object of the given class. How should I implement this method correctly? I tried to do it in this way But it always throws NoSuchMethodException. Moreover, from the task “It’s guaranteed that all subclasses of Bakery will have public parameterless constructor.” And InvocationTargetException is not imported in the

Akka Quickstart: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred

When running the official Akka Quickstart on my Mac terminal, I get this error: Is this the intended result? How can I go about fixing this? Answer This is a warning, not an error. Here is a quote from Oracle JDK 9 Migration Guide Understanding Runtime Access Warnings Some tools and libraries use reflection to access parts of the

deep copy using reflection java

I can’t get a container from the class field using reflection. I tried the method below, but got an exception: I don’t want to use methods of copying via serialization, I’m interested in reflection. Answer You are doing this for training I hope? If not then use some opensource library, it’s a lot harder than you think – check this.

How to fix this unchecked assignment warning?

I got Warning:(31, 46) Unchecked assignment: ‘java.lang.Class’ to ‘java.lang.Class<? extends PACKAGE_NAME.Block>’ warning on the line blockRta.registerSubtype(c);, but I can’t figure out how to fix that without supressing it. ReflectionHelper.getClasses is a static method to get all the classes in that package name, and its return type is Class[]. Block is an interface. RuntimeTypeAdapterFactory is a class in gson extra, and

Referencing packages in java without using String

Is there a way to reference a package in java in code without using a String? Let me explain myself: I’ve a function that fetches all object contained in a package, but I’ve to reference that package using a String, lets say “”. This works, however, If I change the package name, the IDE is not able to automatically refractor
