this is my model class.There is foreign key from another table AssessmentProperties .now when iam posting the data with postman my data looks like this but my input should be looking like this can anyone say me what should i do for this? and by the way this is the controller for post method Answer Instead of using SectionProperties as
Tag: postman
I want to send a List(which is a member of an object) from Postman to Spring REST API
I have an object, and of its attributes is a List. I want to send this object from Postman to my service. I’m using Spring 5.2.7 (Spring MVC, not SpringBoot) and Hibernate 5.4.17 and Java 8. My problem is very similar to this one: I want to send a Postman POST request with an Array: members: [“william”, “eric”, “ryan”] This
cannot resolve this error: unable to insert NULL in (“NAWFEL”. “ORDO_DEP_UUSATEUR”. “EMPLOI”)
I’m developing a user registration form, the problem I get is that when I want to test my web service in postman it shows me the following error in my eclipse console: he tells me that I cannot insert a null value in the job “emploi” column, but I entered the value of the job column in my postman as
Why I am not getting error message in postman using Spring Boot Application
I want “Admin not found” message to display in Postman during invalid login but I am getting this as postman output My Postman URL http://localhost:8989/api/adminLogin My admin login success is working fine Answer I solved the problem by including the below code in file
JSON parse error: Cannot deserialize value of type `java.time.LocalDateTime` from String
I am sending request to external service which has updatedDate property When I receive the response in my DTO I am trying to format the LocalDateTime property like this But I get error in Postman Answer There are milliseconds in the input string, so your format should be “yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSS” Update: If the millisecond part consists of 1, 2, 3 digits
Sending POST request with POSTMAN to Java REST API and getting null values in the xml response
I am creating a REST Service in Java and now I am building the post method which has 2 parameters that has to be inputted as xml in postman (for test) and get a response as xml in java and insert it in database. For starters I am trying to add the values as Query Params in POSTMAN with key
Access the keycloak API from postman
I have tried to access the keycloak API from the postman. but it is showing 400 bad request. I was calling api in the below format. In the headers I have set the content_type as application/x-www-form-urlencoded I am getting the response as below. Can any one help me.Any help will be appreciated. thanks in advance Answer A bit late for