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Tag: osgi

Karaf-assembly and features: new and old method?

I am attempting to create a Java Maven OSGI Desktop Application which can be launched using Karaf. The project includes several bundles. I believe I need to create features and assemble them? From Karaf’s documentation it seems there is a new and “old” way. I am still confused about the following: In addition to my parent/child bundle projects, should

Simple OSGi application with dependencies inside bundle

Simple OSGi application with dependencies inside bundle. I am playing with karaf. I started by writing a simple rest application. I took karaf examples as backbond and it was quite simple to run my first bundle with rest endpoints, but then I faced an issue when I added maven dependency. I added guava as an example and got an

Maven Bundle Plugin: Export has private references

After updating the maven-bundle-plugin from version 2.3.5 to version 2.4.0 running mvn clean install outputs some warning messages, which I don’t fully understand. E.g. Export ch.entwine.weblounge.contentrepository.impl.index, has 1, private references [org.elasticsearch.action.bulk] I guess this has something to do with an embedded lib (elasticsearch). Here are parts of the POM: What does the error message exactly mean? What is the recommended

Tycho cannot resolve fragment dependency on other fragment

I want to create an extension for org.eclipse.swt as a fragment. I have created a bundle swt.extension with the following MANIFEST.MF: Also, I have created an interface which extends an interface from SWT: When I build my project with tycho (mvn clean install) the following error occurs: It seems that tycho resolves only org.eclipse.swt jar. This is a host bundle

Quick and easy way to test OSGi bundles

Currently, I am working on a new version control system as part of a final year project at University. The idea is to make it highly adaptable and pluggable. We’re using the OSGi framework (Equinox implementation) to manage our plug ins. My problem is that I can’t find a simple & easy to use method for testing OSGi bundles. Currently,
